Company Profile
HONG FONG INTERIOR & CONSTRUCTION PTE LTD has a firm belief that a great company should be built upon the same values which bond a family together – Harmony, Trust, Professionalism, Nurturing & Fun.
The oriental design symbolizes the traditional values that one should never forgets his root (Plant) and thus setting the strong foundation (Table) where one can nurture (Tree) in a harmonious environment (Pavilion) trusting and helping each other to grow by delivering fun (Vibrant Colours) yet professional services to our customers.
We strive to be the preferred choice or those who value honesty, quality, creativity & distinction. We work hand-in-hand with our stakeholders on the execution of various sized projects in the commercial and residential realms.
Despite many black sheep in the industry who scammed plentiful innocence; conned of their monies and quality of workmanship, promising cheap packages but end up with endless hidden cost or sub-standard deliverance, Hong Fong Interior & Construction Pte Ltd pledged honesty to our cost & quality of workmanship. Wooing trust in many client who truly looking for a honest and quality build project.

Our Mission
- To be truthful and honest in our way of renovation
- To listen and understand each individual client requirement and fulfil their need in their renovation / construction.
- To provide the best workmanship and services to our projects.

Our Vision
- To break the cycle of bad reputation in the industry due to unscrupulous company way of works.
- To embrace technology in providing better efficient & quality in construction & renovation.
- To be the trusted company to client whom in need of a desired build project.
Our Team
HONG FONG INTERIOR & CONSTRUCTION PTE LTD believes that the company itself is a mother ship that everyone on-board are equal. There are no real hierarchy but roles that each individual is playing to help contribute building this ship bigger and stronger, propelling it forward as a single body. We empowered our customer the right to choose which path they like to walk down their construction/renovation journey. Which upon completion, these projects will then be integrated into our family ship as a medallion of honor, showcasing our trust & capability.

Our Services
In HONG FONG INTERIOR & CONSTRUCTION PTE LTD, we have different teams serving the different needs for the client. We give our customers the freedom of choice to choose the path in their renovation journey. Here, our designers solely charge a design fee for their required works. Therefore, homeowners can choose to engage one of the designers and project manager separately to complete the project.
However, if client has their own design, they can also present their ideas and concepts to our Project Managers, where the Project Managers will coordinate the necessary tradesman to fulfil the required works.
And if client only need the minimum work done as there are no complicated scope involves, one can just engaged our tradesmen services to fulfil their need.

Our Commitments
Hong Fong Interior & Construction Pte Ltd is founded by Mr. Vincent and Mr. Arthur. Mr. Vincent has more than 50 years of experience and knowledge in the industry, assisted by Mr. Arthur with more than 10 years of experience in the field with a passion to incorporate technology into our modern homes ensuring quality deliverance. Amassing from the pool of experiences, the company is committed and capable to provide valuable insights and technical knowledge to our customers to fulfil their renovation & construction requirement.
Under their leadership, the company aims to embrace new technology gadgets and providing a quality renovation & construction project while being a trustworthy companion in the journey.