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HONG FONG INTERIOR & CONSTRUCTION PTE LTD has a firm belief that a great company should be built upon the same values which bond a family together – Harmony, Trust, Professionalism, Nurturing & Fun.
The oriental design symbolizes the traditional values that one should never forgets his root (Plant) and thus setting the strong foundation (Table) where one can nurture (Tree) in a harmonious environment (Pavilion) trusting and helping each other to grow by delivering fun (Vibrant Colours) yet professional services to our customers.
Hence, we value each and every member coming aboard to learn and grow together. Bringing this mothership to a greater height, while creating a sense of belonging here. Because in Hong Fong Interior & Construction, we believe in developing individual’s potential to create a strong bond and link, while trusting and having each other’s back, so that we can together deliver the best quality and standard of works to our valued client who put their trust and project in our hands.
We exist to be ONE and ONE to serves ALL.
We believe in Quality, We believe in Standard.. If you are one who share our belief, look no further…
Open Positions
We are always thrilled to find new talents and hardworking individuals. Look up for our available vacancies and send us your resumes. Exciting benefits with friendly environment guaranteed.